Marine Corps Air Station New River

The official command seal for Marine Corps Air Station New River.
"Pardon Our Noise, It's The Sound Of Freedom"
Official U.S. Marine Corps Website


Our Mission

Marine Corps Air Station New River provides aviation support, force protection, infrastructure, and community services to promote the readiness, sustainment and quality of life for II MEF and other military forces, tenant commands, personnel and their families.


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News & Announcements

Severe Thunderstorm/Tornado Condition II for Camp Lejeune and New River until 7 PM: 45-60 kt wind

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MCAS New River first responders and staff will conduct a full-scale emergency response drill called

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MCB Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River will resume normal operations on Friday, Feb. 21. If you have

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With tomorrow’s weather forecast calling for continued sleet and icy road conditions, most

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Severe Thunderstorm/Tornado Condition II for Camp Lejeune and New River until 7 PM: 45-60 kt wind gusts, heavy rains, tornado watch expected for this area later this afternoon DODEA schools early release: Lejeune High School 12:30 PM, all others 1 PM. Commissary, MCCS facilities (including CDCs) open normal hours. Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune open normal hours; call (910) 450-HELP (4357) to reschedule appointments. Visit for updates. Secure loose items and remove debris now. Report power outages to Public Works at 910-451-3001 Essential civilians/contractors authorized to subsist in mess halls Wednesday evening

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Portrait of Colonel Garth W. Burnett
Colonel Garth W. Burnett
MCAS New River Commanding Officer

Col. Burnett was born in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania in 1974. He enlisted in the United States Navy

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Portrait of Lieutenant Colonel Brandon D. Brown
Lieutenant Colonel Brandon D. Brown
MCAS New River Executive Officer

LtCol. Brandon D. Brown graduated from Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island in August 2000 and

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Portrait of Sergeant Major Victor C. Mancini
Sergeant Major Victor C. Mancini
MCAS New River Sergeant Major

Originally from Raymond, Maine, SgtMaj. Mancini graduated from MCRD Parris Island in December 1995.

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