Patronage Expansion at Marine Corps Installations
Beginning Jan. 1, 2020, MCAS New River started welcoming more veterans and caregivers to their installation. Under the Purple Heart and Disabled Veterans Equal Access Act of 2018, the DoD is proud to expand patronage to:
- Purple Heart Recipients
- Former Prisoners of War
- Veterans with service-connected disabilities
- Caregivers enrolled in the VA Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers
Note: Veterans who are Medal of Honor recipients and veterans who have 100% service-connected disability rating and their family members are eligible under a previously established DoD policy.
Station Access
To access the installation, veterans and caregivers authorized under the Purple Heart and Disabled Veterans Equal Access Act of 2018, will need to stop by the Camp Lejeune Visitor Center adjacent the Wilson Gate on Wilson Blvd. or the MCAS New River Visitor Control Center on Curtis Road and provide the following information:
- Veterans Health Identification Card that identifies their eligibility status
- Purple Heart
- Service-connected disability
- Eligibility letter from the VA Office of Community Care
- Valid government identification card
- Valid government issued identification card
- DoD Common Access Card
- DoD unformed services identification card
- REAL ID driver’s license or identification card
- Enhanced driver’s license
- U.S. passport or passport card
- Foreign passport bearing unexpired immigrant or non-immigrant visa or entry stamp
- Federal personal identity verification card
- Veterans Health Identification Card
- Transportation Worker Identification Card
PLEASE NOTE: Per MCO 5530.13 and DoD Manual 5200.08 V3, driver's licenses and identification cards marked “not valid for federal purposes,” “federal limits may apply,” or any other similar language may not be accepted by DoD for the purpose of unescorted access (i.e. to obtain a Visitor Pass or DBIDS Credential).
What's Available To Me
Newly eligible veterans and caregivers will have access to many Department of Defense and Coast Guard MWR retail activities, including: entertainment, clubs, recreational lodging/resorts, special interest activities, bowling, golf, restaurants, marinas, equipment rental, movie theaters, vehicle storage, kennels, and more.
A comprehensive list of specific programs and activities that will be authorized for the expanded access groups at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station New River can be found on the MCCS Lejeune-New River website at
Facilities, programs and functions not listed are not authorized for use under the Purple Heart and Disabled Veterans Equal Access Act of 2018. Examples of these activities (and therefore NOT authorized) include indoor pools, fitness centers, recreation centers, community counseling, education programs and more.
All honorably discharged military service veterans have online shopping privileges for the exchanges through the Veterans Online Shopping Benefit. For more information on how you may enroll, please visit
For complete details and frequently asked questions, please read the Department of Defense Expanding Access to Military Commissaries, Exchanges and Recreation Facilities Fact Sheet.