Policy Statements

All existing guidance, orders, directives, and processes issued under the commands of Marine Corps Installations East and Marine Corps Air Station New River remain in effect until cancelled, modified, or superseded by new guidance, orders, or directives. 

Click any column header to sort table data.
Policy NumberDescriptionDateSponsorPolicy Letter
CO Policy StatementCommanding Officer's Environmental Statement7/28/2022Commanding OfficerEnvironmental.pdf
CO Policy StatementCommanding Officer's Hazing Statement7/28/2022Commanding OfficerHazing.pdf
CO Policy StatementCommanding Officer's Safety Statement7/28/2022Commanding OfficerSafety.pdf
CO Policy StatementCommanding Officer's Substance Abuse Statement7/28/2022Commanding OfficerSubstance Abuse.pdf
CO Policy StatementCommanding Officer's Suicide Statement7/28/2022Commanding OfficerSuicide.pdf