Transportation Providers
Elevated security measures may affect access. All vehicles are subject to search prior to entry and while aboard the installation. Photography and videography are prohibited unless authorized by the Installation Commander. MCAS New River is a No Drone Zone per MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJO 3710.30B.

Transportation providers such as taxis, limousines, shuttles and transportation network companies (TNC) provide an important transportation service option for the installation population. Transportation providers who comply with the provisions of this web page may access the installation during FPCON Alpha and Bravo, but will be restricted during FPCON Charlie and Delta.

Transportation providers entering the installation may be subject to search or other inspections. Provost Marshal‘s Office (PMO) personnel may require proof of a fare through a mobile application, telephone number or other information. Transportation providers entering for other reasons require separate sponsorship and processing. Additionally, transportation providers may not be accompanied by anyone who is not a Department of Defense (DoD) ID card holder.

With a valid Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) credential, enabled for access to MCAS New River, transportation providers are permitted to enter the installation with or without a passenger possessing a valid DoD ID card for the purpose of pick up or drop off at an authorized location. Transportation providers may also stage at one of the authorized locations, but are prohibited from canvasing the installation for potential customers.

Without a valid DBIDS credential, transportation providers are permitted to enter the installation only if they are accompanied by a passenger who possesses a valid DoD ID card. After the gate sentry records the driver’s pertinent information, the driver will be permitted to drop the passenger off at the desired location. The transportation provider will then immediately exit the installation at the original point of entry.

Transportation provider companies that wish to operate on MCAS New River must submit a Letter of Intent to Operate on company letterhead with the following information and supporting documentation to

  • Company name, address, point of contact and phone number
  • Copy of business license
  • Copy of proof of insurance
  • Copy of city/county taxi medallion/registration (if applicable)
  • By-name list of drivers who are requesting access

After the letter is evaluated, the company will be informed of the decision. If approved, transportation providers will be instructed to have individual drivers report to the Taxi Inspector located at the MCAS New River Visitor Control Center, Bldg. AS-187, adjacent to the Main Gate on Curtis Road, Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Transportation providers will be subject to a criminal history background check and are required to provide the following information and supporting documentation:

  • Company Letter of Intent to Operate displaying their name as a driver
  • If a TNC-affiliated driver, a copy of their driver agreement with the TNC and the ability to logon to their TNC app and verify their current driver status
  • A valid Real ID compliant driver’s license, passport or combination of documents listed in DODM 5200.08 Volume 3. This information can be obtained by calling 910-449-5040 or by e-mailing
  • If a Real ID compliant driver’s license was not used to establish a person’s identity, a valid driver’s license from a state or territory of the United States
  • Valid state registration for the vehicle(s) they will operate
  • Valid proof of insurance for the vehicle(s) they will operate

Any driver who is denied unescorted access in accordance with Air Station Order 5530.2C, Access Control Regulations will be denied a DBIDS credential.

  • Drivers will be informed of the reason for their denial and their right to appeal.
    • Drivers denied installation access because of criminal history may appeal in writing to the Commanding Officer, Attn: Station Adjutant, PSC Box 21001, Jacksonville, NC 28545-1001.  There is no time limit to appeal.
  • All drivers pending an appeal will continue to be denied access to the installation until the appeal has been decided.
    • Drivers who are subsequently detained or investigated for certain offenses or their conduct causes concern for the physical security or environment of the installation will have their DBIDS credential terminated and installation access denied.

PLEASE NOTE: Per MCO 5530.13, DoD Manual 5200.08 V3, and ASO 5530.2C driver's licenses and identification cards marked “not valid for federal purposes,” “federal limits may apply,” or any other similar language may not be accepted by DoD for the purpose of unescorted access (i.e. to obtain a Visitor Pass or DBIDS Credential).