Pardon our noise, it's the sound of freedom
Marine Corps Air Station New River and the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing appreciate the enormous sacrifices made by our neighbors as we train for the defense of our country. Among those sacrifices is the occasional disruption of daily life by the sometimes-intrusive noise caused by training on station and throughout our local community.
The 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing and the other units that call Marine Corps Air Station New River and the coastal North Carolina region home, train hard to be ready at a moment's notice to answer our nation's call. Sometimes this fast-paced training results in low-flying aircraft, weapons or demolition noise.
Please contact us with all concerns regarding noise, vibration, excessive dust, low-flying aircraft and/or maneuver damage from the Marine Corps Air Station New River area, either by calling (910) 449-0529 or via e-mail at
Thank you for your patience and understanding while our Marines strive to "train as they fight" every day - under the most realistic combat conditions using the best equipment and ranges available.
Noise Concerns
Please contact us with all concerns regarding noise, vibration, excessive dust, low-flying aircraft and/or maneuver damage from the Marine Corps Air Station New River area, either by calling (910) 449-0529 or via e-mail at
For more information on aircraft noise and the noise concern response process, please review our Military Aircraft Noise Fact Sheet below.
Marine Corps Air Station New River
Military Aircraft Noise Fact Sheet
Download PDF
Additional Resources For Noise Issues

Community and Environmental Noise:
A Guide for Military Installations and Communities
Download PDF
Air Installations Compatible Use Zones Study
Download PDF