Civil Processing

Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, MCAS New River

POC:  (910) 449-7158

Normal Weekly Events:
(Subject to Change without Notice)

Civil Processing: Begins at 0900, Thursday

The Civil Process Section, is the single point of contact for Marine Corps Air Station New River commands in civil process matters.  In this capacity, the Civil Process Section will function as the sole liaison between civil authorities and all commands aboard Marine Corps Air Station New River, regarding the service of process.

The Civil Process Section's mission is to arrange for the execution of arrest warrants, and the service of all subpoenas, writs of repossession, claims, and other civil processes as may be directed to military personnel and DoD employees.

In the case of military personnel, this will be accomplished by telephonically or electronically notifying the designated representatives (Unit Legal Officer) of the commanding officer exercising special court-martial jurisdiction over the individual to whom the process is addressed.  For DoD employees, the employee's immediate supervisor will be notified.

Service of civil process of all kinds and arrest warrants and summons will take place only at the Civil Process Section, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Marine Corps Air Station New River, unless otherwise authorized by the Staff Judge Advocate.

Self help repossession is not authorized aboard Marine Corps Air Station New River.  Writs of execution or voluntary repossession shall be administered only through the Civil Law Section at the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate. 

Disclaimer: The information on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent legal advice from an attorney or the Legal Assistance Office.

Normal Weekly Events:
(Subject to Change without Notice)


Marine Corps Air Station New River

Legal Assistance Office

Hours of Operation
Open Monday - Friday
0730 - 1130 and 1300 - 1600

Client Walk-Ins
(Consumer Law, Landlord/Tenant Disputes, Military Rights and Benefits, Name Changes, Step-Parent Adoptions, Debt Collection, Crime Victim Assistance, Child Custody, Service Member Civil Relief Act)
Monday and Friday* only 0730-0930

 Powers of Attorney & Notary Services
Open Tuesday - Friday
0730 - 1130 and 1300 - 1600 

Will Brief
Every Monday and Friday* at 1000
[0945 Check In Time]

Separation and Divorce Brief
Every Tuesday and Thursday @ 0700
at Camp Lejeune Legal Assistance (Building 66) (910) 451-7085

Unit Briefs available on Request

*-Subject to change without notice.
Please feel free to call to confirm.

Civil Processing: 0900-1000, Thurs.