Military Justice

Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, MCAS New River
  • NJS Course Description: Reserve a seat for the Legal Officer, Legal Clerk, Senior Officer Course, and Senior Enlisted Courses.  They are offered at Naval Justice School Detachments at San Diego, Norfolk, and Newport.  The majority is offered at Norfolk.    
    • Norfolk, VA at Comm (757) 444-5641 or DSN: 564-5641.
    • Newport, RI at Comm: (401) 841-2065 or DSN: 948-3808 x131. 
    • San Diego, CA: Comm: (619) 556-8376.

The Military Justice Section, Legal Services Support Team Camp Lejeune (910) 451-5726 or 5782 provides advocacy oriented legal services support including processing of requests for legal services; drafting and preferring of charges for courts martial; processing requests for separation in lieu of trial by court martial; administrative actions involved in the production of evidence and witnesses for courts martial; assignment of trial counsel to preferred courts-martial; and assignment of government recorders to board of inquiries and administrative discharge boards.

The Victim and Witness Assistance Coordinator provide administrative assistance for victims and witnesses.