Orders: 5000-5999


Includes subjects relating to the administration, organization and management of the Department of the Navy, including general personnel matters (concerning both civilian and military personnel), records management programs, security, external and internal relations, audiovisual management, law and legal matters, office services, office automation and publication and printing matters.

Click any column header to sort table data.
SSICDescriptionDateSponsorOrder Name
ASO 5000.3H"By Direction" Signature Authority for MCAS New River7/24/2023AdjutantASO 5000.3H.pdf
ASO 5100.13DOccupational Safety and Health (OSH) Program4/25/2016SDASO 5100.13D.pdf
ASO 5104.1BSOP for MCAS New River Radiation Safety Program12/19/2016SDASO 5104.1B.pdf
ASO 5112.1JSOP for Postal Affairs9/5/2019POSASO 5112.1J.pdf
ASO 5210.1BRecords Management Program2/22/2022AdjutantASO 5210.1B.pdf
ASO 5211.1CPrivacy Act11/25/2020AdjutantASO 5211.1C.pdf
ASO 5213.1CMCAS New River Forms Management Program9/5/2019AdjutantASO 5213.1C.pdf
ASO 5214.1CInformation Requirements (Reports) Management Program2/13/2019AdjutantASO 5214.1C.pdf
ASO 5215.1BDirectives Management Program11/15/2021AdjutantASO 5215.1B.pdf
ASO 5354.1ACommand Policy on Marine Corps Prohibited Activities and Conduct Prevention and Response10/23/2019Commanding OfficerASO 5354.1A.pdf
ASO 5500.18DCrime Prevention9/7/2023S-3 (SES)ASO 5500.18D.pdf
ASO 5500.6KPossession, Registration, Use and Sale of Privately Owned Firearms, Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives, Fireworks and Pyrotechnics8/25/2022S-3 (SES)ASO 5500.6K.pdf
ASO 5530.2DAccess Control Regulations9/15/2021S-3 (Ops)ASO 5530.2D.pdf
ASO 5530.4BDebarment Procedures8/23/2023INSPASO 5530.4B.pdf
ASO 5600.1Printing and Publications Management Program2/11/2019AdjutantASO 5600.1.pdf
ASO 5605.2Distribution Codes for MCAS New River8/9/2021AdjutantASO 5605.2.pdf
ASO 5750.1LCommand Chronology7/28/2022S-3 (Ops)ASO 5721.2.pdf
ASO 5800.1BVictim-Witness Assistance Program8/24/2023Staff Judge AdvocateASO 5800.1B.pdf