Victim and Witness Assistance Program

Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, MCAS New River

Mr. William Yables Jr.
Installation Victim Witness Liaison Officer, MCAS New River

(910) 449-7159

Mr. William Yables Jr. is the Installation Victim and Witness Liaison Officer (IVWLO) for Marine Corps Air Station New River and acts as the Installation Commanding Officer’s subject matter expert and manager for the Victim-Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) aboard the installation.  In that capacity, the IVWLO chairs the VWAP Council, manages and maintains a list of all unit Victim Witness Assistance Coordinators (VWAC) and other base Victim Witness Representatives, provides liaison with local civilian services for victims of crime, tracks all services provided and is the central point of contact for the base program.

Pursuant to Marine Corps Directives, each office or agency which provides services to victims and witnesses appoints a Victim Witness Assistance Representative/coordinator and each unit (battalion and squadron level and above) appoints a Victim Witness Assistance Coordinator (VWAC). The VWAC and other representatives are responsible for that unit or office’s part of the station VWAP.

Victim’s Rights

Personnel directly engaged in the prevention, detection, investigation, and disposition of offenses, including law enforcement, legal personnel, commanders, trial counsel, and staff judge advocates, will ensure victims are accorded their enumerated rights as set forth in Article 6b of the UCMJ and related policies. A victim has the right to:

(1) Be reasonably protected from the accused.

(2) Be provided with reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of:
     (a) A public hearing concerning the continuation of confinement before the trial of the accused.
     (b) A preliminary hearing pursuant to Article 32 of the UCMJ relating to the offense.
     (c) A court-martial relating to the offense.
     (d) A post-trial motion, filing, or hearing that may address the finding or sentence of a 
court-martial with respect to the accused, may unseal privileged or private information of the
victim, or may result in the accused’s release.   
     (e) A public proceeding of the Military Department Clemency and Parole Board relating to the 
    (f) The release or escape of the accused, unless such notice may endanger any person’s safety.

(3) Be present at, and not be excluded from, any public hearing or proceeding described in 
Paragraph 3.2.a.(2), unless the military judge or preliminary hearing officer determines, after 
receiving clear and convincing evidence, that testimony by the victim would be materially altered 
if the victim observed that hearing or proceeding.

(4) Be reasonably heard, personally or through counsel, at:
     (a) A public hearing concerning the continuation of confinement before the court- martial of the 
     (b) Preliminary hearings conducted pursuant to Article 32 of the UCMJ and court- martial 
proceedings relating to Rules 412, 513, and 514 of the Military Rules of Evidence or regarding 
other rights provided by statute, regulation, or case law.
     (c) A sentencing hearing relating to the offense.
     (d) A public Military Department Clemency and Parole Board hearing relating to the offense. A 
victim may make a personal appearance before the Military Department Clemency and Parole Board or 
submit an audio, video, or written statement.

(5) Confer with the attorney for the U.S. Government in the case. This will include the reasonable 
right to confer with the attorney for the U.S. Government at any proceeding described in Paragraph 
     (a) Victims who are eligible for legal assistance may consult with a military legal assistance 
attorney in accordance with Paragraph 3.4.
     (b) Victims of an alleged sex-related offense, who are eligible for legal assistance pursuant to 
Military Department or National Guard Bureau policies or Sections 1044 or 1044e of Title 10, 
U.S.C., may consult with an SVC/VLC/VC in accordance with Paragraph 3.5.
     (c) All victims may seek the advice of a private attorney at their own expense.

(6) Receive restitution as provided in accordance with State and Federal law.

(7) Proceedings free from unreasonable delay.

(8) Be informed in a timely manner of any plea agreement, separation-in-lieu-of-trial agreement, or 
non-prosecution agreement relating to the offense, unless providing such information would 
jeopardize a law enforcement proceeding or violate the privacy concerns of an individual other than 
the accused.

(9) Be treated with fairness and respect for their dignity and privacy.

(10) Express their views about disposition of the case to the commander or convening authority.

(11) Decline to testify at a preliminary hearing conducted pursuant to Article 32 of the UCMJ.

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 113Collapse List item 113  Directives and Instructions

Department of Defense Instruction 1030.02 - Victim and Witness Assistance of 27 July 2023
Department of Defense Instruction 6400.07 Incorporating Change 2 - Standards for Victim Assistance Services in the Military Community of 6 July 2018
Department of Defense Instruction 1342.24 - Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents of 23 Sep 2019 
Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5800.11B - Victim and Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) of 5 Jan 2006
OPNAV INSTRUCTION 5800.7A - Victim and Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) of 4 Mar 2008
Marine Corps Order 5800.16 Volume 16: Chapter 4 Victim-Witness Assistance Program (starts on page 423) of 14 Jul 2021 
Air Station Order 5800.1B Victim-Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) of 23 Aug 2023
Marine Corps Order 1752.5C Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program of 3 Jun 2019
Marine Corps Order 5354.1G Marine Corps Prohibited Activities and Conduct (PAC) prevention and response policy of 31 May 2024

Expand List item 114Collapse List item 114  VWAP Forms

Initial Information and Services Letter (Updated 18 Aug 2021) DD Form 2701 is an enclosure to this letter.
DD Form 2701 – Initial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime (21 Oct 2022) 
DD Form 2702 – Court-Martial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime (21 Oct 2022)
DD Form 2703 – Post-Trial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime (21 Oct 2022) 
DD Form 2704 – Victim/Witness Certification and Election Concerning Inmate Status (1 Mar 2013) 
DD Form 2704-1 - Victim Election of Post-Trial and Appellate Rights (Mar 2023)
DD Form 2705 – Victim/Witness Notification of Inmate Status 
DD Form 2706 – Annual Report on Victim and Witness Assistance (Nov 2023) 
DD Form 2698 – Application for Transitional Compensation 
Victims' Rights In Action Pamphlet
NCIS Sextortion Brochure 
VWAP Pamphlet (Updated 18 Aug 2021)

Expand List item 115Collapse List item 115  General
Expand List item 2731Collapse List item 2731  Military and civilian programs and services providing counseling, treatment, or other support services:

 Counseling Directory on and off the installation (updated Jan 2025)
   - - NC Division of Public Health
       Craven County Resource Guide (Updated 2023)
       Duplin County Community Health Assessment with Resource List (Updated 2023)
       Jones County Resource Guide (Updated Dec 2024)
       Onslow County Resource Guide (Updated 2025)
       Pamlico County Community Health Assessment (Updated 2025) 

Expand List item 116Collapse List item 116  Transitional Compensation

North Carolina Crime Victims Compensation Services

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 117Collapse List item 117  National Victim Organizations:
Expand List item 118Collapse List item 118  International Victim Resources:
Expand List item 119Collapse List item 119  Federal Sites:
Expand List item 120Collapse List item 120  Corrections/Registries:
Expand List item 121Collapse List item 121  Sex Offender Registries:
Expand List item 122Collapse List item 122  Multimedia:
Expand List item 123Collapse List item 123  Internet Fraud:
Expand List item 124Collapse List item 124  Fraud/Identity Theft:
Expand List item 125Collapse List item 125  Trauma and Stress:
Expand List item 126Collapse List item 126  Domestic Violence:
Expand List item 127Collapse List item 127  Sexual Assault:
Expand List item 128Collapse List item 128  Stalking:
Expand List item 2307Collapse List item 2307  Victims with Disabilites:
Expand List item 129Collapse List item 129  Immigrant Women Victims:
Expand List item 131Collapse List item 131  Trafficking:
Expand List item 132Collapse List item 132  Child Abuse and Neglect:
Expand List item 133Collapse List item 133  Elder Abuse:
Expand List item 134Collapse List item 134  Drunk Driving:
Expand List item 135Collapse List item 135  Survivor of Homicide Victims:
Expand List item 2306Collapse List item 2306  Other Links and Resources: